Students kit Plants, animals, habitats

This kit contains equipment and resources for scientific experiments covering multiple disciplines to investigate the living conditions of plants and microscopic creatures.

Multiple experiments and observations can be carried out to investigate the processes and conditions upon which the emergence and prosperity of plant and animal life depend.


Age 11-14

Materials for 1 work group or demonstration

The picture shows a red suitcase containing various experimental materials for teaching. Inside are various containers, tools and materials that can be used for scientific experiments.

item number 22024

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  • 1 - Examination of a flower

    experiment "Examination of a flower"

    Students examine a flower.

  • 2 - Investigation of the uptake of water by roots

    experiment "Investigation of the uptake of water by roots"

    The students investigate the water uptake of roots.

  • 3 - Investigation of the water given off by plants

    experiment "Investigation of the water given off by plants"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 4 - Observation of root hairs

    experiment "Observation of root hairs"

    Root hairs are observed here.

  • 5 - Investigation of the condi-tions for germination

    experiment "Investigation of the condi-tions for germination"

    The germination trays are filled to ¾ with soil. In each tray, 10 cress seeds are placed at some distance from each other, pressed on and only lightly covered with a little soil. The students now observe the germination trays for 5 days.

  • 6 - Ermitteln von Sichttiefen in Gewässern

    experiment "Ermitteln von Sichttiefen in Gewässern"

    Die Schüler*innen ermitteln mit einer Senkschnur die Sichttiefe von Gewässern.

  • 7 - Untersuchung von Bodenarten

    experiment "Untersuchung von Bodenarten"

    Die Schüler*innen untersuchen verschiedene bodenproben und finden die prägnanten Merkmale heraus.

  • 8 - Ermitteln des Kalkgehaltes von Bodenproben

    experiment "Ermitteln des Kalkgehaltes von Bodenproben"

    Die Schüler*innen ermitteln den Kalkgehalt von Bodenproben.
    Da bei diesem Versuch Salzsäure eingesetzt wird, sollte dieser Versuch ausschließlich als Lehrerversuch durchgeführt werden! Die entsprechenden Arbeitsschutzbestimmungen sind unbedingt einzuhalten.

  • 9 - Investigation of water transport in plants

    experiment "Investigation of water transport in plants"

    Two flower sprouts are placed in two measuring cylinders with water. One of the waters is clear and the other is dyed with colorant. The students can now observe what changes in the flowers.

  • 10 - Examination of a bean seed

    experiment "Examination of a bean seed"

    Students examine dry bean seeds and bean seeds soaked in water.

  • 11 - Detection of starch in seed leaves

    experiment "Detection of starch in seed leaves"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 12 - Observing the germination of bean seeds

    experiment "Observing the germination of bean seeds"

    The students place bean seeds in a double bowl filled with water. They can then observe the 6 stages of the germination process.

  • 13 - Ermitteln verschiedener Bodenbestandteile

    experiment "Ermitteln verschiedener Bodenbestandteile"

    Die Schüler*innen entnehmen von drei verschiedenen Orten (zum Beispiel Wald, Feld, Schulhof) mit dem Löffel trockene Bodenproben und füllen sie jeweils in eine Glasflasche. Sie untersuchen die getrennten Bodenbestandteile nach Korngrößen.

  • 14 - Ermitteln des Humusgehaltes von Böden

    experiment "Ermitteln des Humusgehaltes von Böden"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 15 - Ermitteln des pH-Wertes von Bodenproben

    experiment "Ermitteln des pH-Wertes von Bodenproben"

    Die Schüler*innen ermitteln den pH-Wert von verschiedenen Bodenproben.

  • 16 - Untersuchung von Bodenproben auf Lebewesen

    experiment "Untersuchung von Bodenproben auf Lebewesen"

    Die Schüler*innen untersuchen die Bodenproben auf Lebewesen und halten in einer Tabelle fest, welche Lebewesen sie entdeckt haben.

scope of supply
  • 1 × Heat resistant pad, 50x35 cm
  • 1 × Metal crucible 50mmØ
  • 1 × Dissecting needle, 140 mmstraight with cap
  • 3 × Plastic test tube, 152 mm
  • 1 × Vegetable oil, 30 ml
  • 1 × Foam insert for 22024 426x325x65 mm
  • 1 × Lowering cord, 5m
  • 1 × Plastic tubing 3m with 2 couplings
  • 1 × Viewing disc
  • 1 × Rapid scale, 100 g
  • 1 × Storage box, red 430x330x99 mm
  • 1 × Carton for storage box, 481x425x107
  • 1 × Foam insert grey, 430x320x10 mm
  • 3 × Watch glass, 80 mm
  • 1 × Filter paper, circular 70 mmØ, 100 pcs.
  • 3 × Flask, PE, narrow neck 50 ml
  • 3 × Rubber stopper 18/14 mm
  • 2 × Measuring cylinder, PP, 25 ml
  • 1 × Crucible tongs, stainless
  • 1 × Spirit burner, metal
  • 1 × Watesmo-test, 1 roll
  • 1 × Indicator paper universalpH 1-14, 1 roll
  • 1 × Dissecting needle, lancet shape
  • 1 × °Iodine solution, 50 ml
  • 1 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 2 × Dropping pipette, plastic
  • 1 × Colouring agent, red for lab use only
  • 1 × Plastic box 140/50/35 mm
  • 1 × Metal spoon, 138 mm
  • 4 × Plastic dish 95x62x20 mm
  • 1 × Heat protection gauze
  • 1 × Tripod stand
  • 1 × Syringe, 100 ml
  • 1 × Triple lens magnifier
  • 1 × Forceps, blunt 105 mm stainless
  • 1 × Knife
  • 1 × Test tube stand, plastic
  • 1 × Double dish,plastic 80 mm
  • 1 × Plastic dish, 80 mm Ø
  • 3 × Glass bottle, brown, wideneck, 50 ml